BPM Suite Design

Simple and Efficient Process Design

Process Design with the TIM BPM Suite

As the world’s only software solution, the TIM BPM Suite gives you unlimited freedom in choosing a modeling tool that supports the BPMN 2.0 standard. The TIM Form Designer perfectly expands your limitless possibilities with a groundbreaking, simple no-code form creation based on a Do-it-Yourself principle. Expand your workflows in the design phase with any number of external company applications before you test your connection directly in the preview mode. This way, you can map and digitalize comprehensive and complex processes in a simple and detailed manner – no IT knowledge required!

Process Modeling with BPMN 2.0


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The flexibility of TIM gives you the freedom to use any modeling tool that supports the BPMN 2.0 standard to map your workflows. Use the ready-made swimlanes to define responsibilities and assign tasks. Thanks to the no-code process modeling, process steps and decisions can be easily defined using either drag and drop or the context menu. As soon as you have modeled a process, you can transfer it to TIM and immediately bring it to life without any IT knowledge. The workflow is always based exactly on your process model. You can immediately benefit from the advantages of a digitalized process!

The flexibility of TIM gives you the freedom to use any modeling tool that supports the BPMN 2.0 standard to map your workflows. Use the ready-made swimlanes to define responsibilities and assign tasks. Thanks to the no-code process modeling, process steps and decisions can be easily defined using either drag and drop or the context menu. As soon as you have modeled a process, you can transfer it to TIM and immediately bring it to life without any IT knowledge. The workflow is always based exactly on your process model. You can immediately benefit from the advantages of a digitalized process!


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Advantages of Using Software for Process Modeling

Version and revision security

Simulation of processes

Preparation of certificates

Overview with own process map

Clear definition of processes

Analysis of risks

No-Code Form Design

Form design has never been easier! With the TIM Form Designer, you can quickly and easily configure extensive and complex forms for your workflows on a no-code basis. Define rules with just a few clicks. With individually defined writing permissions and visibilities, you can ensure a smooth flow of information. Become a form designer yourself and intuitively create tailor-made in-process forms using drag and drop, without even writing a line of code yourself! These numerous innovative features make the TIM Form Designer the perfect all-around tool for the TIM BPM Suite.


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Highlights & Features

No-Code Rule Configurator

Use our intuitive rule configurator to create dynamic form content and increase the efficiency of your forms with any number of rules based on the “if-then principle”. With just a few clicks, you can implement complex logics without any IT knowledge.

Convenient Preview Mode

In preview mode, you can now test the form behavior in the process context without having to publish a new version. Take on any role in the preview mode and always keep an eye on the final form design and functionality of your configuration.

What You See Is What You Get

The TIM Form Designer works for you according to the “What You See Is What You Get” principle so that you always have an overview of changes. Configure your forms with proven form elements using drag and drop and connect them to your process.

Integrated Element Control

The integrated element control gives you the opportunity to dynamically adapt your form through individual visibility and writing permissions for each process step. This is how you can ensure smooth and targeted information logistics with the TIM Form Designer.

Individual Data Types

If there are deviations from the norm in the definition of data fields, comparable form configurators quickly reach their limits. With the option of defining individual data types, the TIM Form Designer always adapts precisely to the requirements of your process.

Unique Technology

The TIM Form Designer was uniquely developed by TIM itself and is specifically tailored for the TIM BPM Suite. Therefore, in every line of code we write from our many years of experience and our concentrated know-how, we always strive to always offer our customers the best.

Connectors for more Possibilities


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A process can rarely be run end-to-end in a closed system. With TIM, external data sources from existing IT systems can easily be integrated into your workflows. Our BPM Suite can be expanded with your individual modules without any programming efforts. In the preview mode, you can always directly test your connections. For example, you can use our interfaces to do the following:


Write information from the workflow in the third-party systems


Read information from the third-party systems and then process them further


Store information as master data, for example, to fill selection lists in forms

A process can rarely be run end-to-end in a closed system. With TIM, external data sources from existing IT systems can easily be integrated into your workflows. Our BPM Suite can be expanded with your individual modules without any programming efforts. In the preview mode, you can always directly test your connections. For example, you can use our interfaces to do the following:


Write information from the workflow in the third-party systems


Read information from the third-party systems and then process them further


Store information as master data, for example, to fill selection lists in forms


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Easy System Integration

From Microsoft to SAP to Active Directory, TIM has connected over 40 different systems to date. Our list of options for interface connection is constantly expanding:

Already Implemented Interfaces:

Process Management

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  • Adonis
  • Aeneis
  • iGrafx
  • Signavio
  • Symbio
  • BPMN 2.0
  • ARIS
  • bpmn.io
  • ibo Prometheus

Content Management (DMS & ECM)

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  • EDMS
  • Sharepoint WebService
  • Alfresco
  • OpenText Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
  • Mediapool
  • EASY
  • D.velop
  • Atlassian Confluence

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

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  • SAP Web Services
  • SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo)
  • ScopeVisio
  • eEvolution
  • ANAFEE – Catenic AG

File Formats and Databases

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  • CSV-Dateien
  • iCal
  • JSON
  • PDF
  • XML
  • MS-SQL
  • Oracle SQL

Identity Management

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  • CAS
  • LDAP / Active Directory
  • SAML 2.0
  • Payara HR

Office & E-Mail

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  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • E-Mail (SMTP, POP3, IMAP)
  • Other E-Mail Clients

Webservices & Misc.

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  • HTTP-Request
  • Siemens Interspec (PLM)
  • WebServices (SOAP und REST)
  • QlikView
  • Atlassian JIRA

Get the best out of your processes.

Let your work flow!