Software Features

Our Features for your Projects

New highlights you should know about

All Features at a Glance


TIM Solutions Icon TIM BPM Suite Prozessdesign
Workflow Design
Support of Adonis, Aeneis, ARIS,, ibo Prometheus, iGrafx and many more. Fully customizable e-mails
Import BPMN 2.0 process models Rules Matrix / Decision Table
Add task descriptions Timed services for workflow interaction
Add events/logics  Cost centers
Add processing times  
Process Form Design
Drag & Drop form designer Corporate design
Dynamic access control Individual data types
Preview mode for form testing Multilanguage
If-then-else rules builder Alternative: HTML & JavaScript forms
Webservices REST/SOAP Active Directory / LDAP 
SQL queries Single Sign On via SAML 2.0 
File exchange Two-factor authentication via KeyCloak
MS Sharepoint Integration of inbound e-mails
MS Teams Atlassian JIRA


 TIM Solutions Icon Unternehmensmission Automate Automate
Workflow Management
Automatic workflow routing Process templates
Live highlighting of process path Process start via external webform
Intelligent process form Multilanguage
Dynamic access control Global search
Dynamic swimlane assignments Temporary user licence, e.g. to integrate external users
Task Management
Automatic task routing Display additional task columns
Ad-hoc tasks and inquiries Add attachments
Cost tracking Add notes
Time tracking Individual filters
Configurable task inbox
Time Management
Live process time status Milestone calculation / backward scheduling
Dynamic layover times Priority mode
Critical path analysis Holiday and workweek configuration
Scheduled start and end Subsitution user management


TIM Solutions Icon Improve
Analysis of workflow performance Reporting templates
Dashboards / Cockpits Charting widgets
Cost and time effort report Gantt chart
Process bottlenecks overview Third party source integration

All Features at a Glance

Workflow Design
Support of Adonis, Aeneis, ARIS,, ibo Prometheus, iGrafx and many more.
Import BPMN 2.0 process models
Add task descriptions
Add events/logics
Add processing times
Fully customizable e-mails
Rules Matrix / Decision Table
Timed services for workflow interaction
Cost centers
Process Form Design
Drag & Drop form designer
Dynamic access control
Preview mode for form testing
If-then-else rules builder
Corporate design
Individual data types
Alternative: HTML & JavaScript forms
Webservices REST/SOAP
SQL queries
File exchange
MS Sharepoint
MS Teams
Atlassian JIRA
Active Directory / LDAP
Single Sign On via SAML 2.0
Two-factor authentication via KeyCloak
Integration of inbound e-mails
Workflow Management
Automatic workflow routing
Live highlighting of process path
Intelligent process form
Dynamic access control
Dynamic swimlane assignments
Process templates
Process start via external webform
Global search
Temporary user licence, e.g. to integrate external users
Task Management
Automatic task routing
Ad-hoc tasks and inquiries
Cost tracking
Time tracking
Configurable task inbox
Display additional task columns
Add attachments
Add notes
Individual filters
Time Management
Live process time status
Dynamic layover times
Critical path analysis
Scheduled start and end
Milestone calculation / backward scheduling
Priority mode
Holiday and workweek configuration
Subsitution user management
Analysis of workflow performance
Dashboards / Cockpits
Cost and time effort report
Process bottleneck overview
Reporting templates
Charting widgets
Gantt chart
Third party source integration

Get the best out of your processes!

Let your work flow!