Customer Day 10/08 – The First Year Online

10.08.20 | Event, Customer Day

For 8th time in a row  and the first time digitally, TIM Solutions invited all customers, partners and interested parties to the annual Customer Day on October 8th, 2020 . Unlike previous years, the meeting wasn’t held at the Munich Airport, rather on the interactive online conference platform Remo. With virtual discussion tables, collective whiteboards and many other collaborative tools from the digital conference location, the guests were offered the feel of an interactive event.

In addition to the compelling presentations of our valued guest speakers, the exclusive premiere of our TIM Smartform Designer (TSD) was a noteworthy highlight. Together with our guests, the special occasion was toasted with a non-virtual glass of sparkling wine!

Even though we had hoped to meet our guests in person at the conference center at the Munich Airport, it was a pleasure for us to organize the digital event and  we hope to meet again next year in person. The positive feedback from our guests reflects our own feeling of an all-round successful event. We would like to thank our speakers for their inspiring presentations and all our guests for their acitive participation and the enriching professional exchange!

If you don’t want to miss any of our events in the future, we suggest you sign up for our TIM Solutions Newsletter to receive further interesting industry news and updates from TIM . Upon request, we are happy to send you video recordings of individual presentations. Simply send us a short message with your request and we will take take care of it.