New features of TIM v8.0

Jun 6, 2024 | News, Insights

The Main New Features at a glance

#1 Workflow Design

The new module “Workflow Design” is a completely redesigned version of the well-known Workflow Repository. All BPMN 2.0 processes can be easily integrated into TIM and enriched with automation properties (e.g. time specifications, events and their parameters). This makes it even easier to transform process models into dynamic TIM workflows. The events can be intuitively added to the corresponding activities using drag & drop and are available with descriptions, parameters and validation directly in TIM. This results in massive time savings and an improved user experience when designing workflows with TIM. Assigning existing groups via drag & drop also saves valuable time and avoids potential errors.

The main benefits for you:

All BPMN 2.0 processes can be imported into TIM. Simply export the process model (as a BPMN and SVG file) and benefit directly from digital execution as a workflow in the TIM BPM Suite.

Workflow designers benefit from the intuitive selection and description of events and parameters. The helpful descriptions and validation lead to better user guidance and less time spent.

The automation properties can also be imported from your existing process modelling tool. When using the new Workflow Design, the workflow is “TIM managed” and parameterisation is possible directly in TIM.


#2 Inbound E-Mail Management

The new “Inbound E-Mail Management” module makes it even easier for users to interact with the TIM BPM Suite. Tasks can be completed by simply replying to an e-mail and processes can be started directly by e-mail. Attachments, form content and decisions can also be easily sent by e-mail without logging in. The TIM BPM Suite reads this e-mail, processes the information entered and completes the corresponding task or starts a new process. A new tracking page provides clear status displays and success checks for incoming external e-mails in TIM. Previously, this option was only available for outbound e-mail traffic.

You can benefit from the following advantages:

Easily integrate external business partners into your internal workflows

Users do not need access to the TIM server (no VPN or similar required)

Easily complete forms or upload documents via e-mail

Increased convenience for quickly completed but recurring tasks (e.g. confirmations or approvals)

Incoming e-mails are automatically processed in TIM and the sender is notified by e-mail


#3 Temporary Task User

With the new “Temporary Task User” category, we have created a cost-effective way of working with temporary external users.

Here are your main benefits at a glance:

Ideal for integrating external parties such as suppliers and customers into TIM workflows

Increased security and control when working with authenticated external users in TIM

Workflows can be started and tasks can be completed via e-mail and without a TIM login (see also “Inbound e-mail management”).

Lower licence prices compared to regular TIM user licences

Accesses are automatically deactivated when there are no more open tasks


More detailed information about TIM v8.0 can be found in our release notes.

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